Chantal Gravel

Position: Vice-president, ophtalmic products
Categories: Management

Optician since 1999, Chantal began her career in optics at Lunetterie New Look as a full-time optician. She held positions as optician-managers in various locations in the Montreal region. In 2005, she held the position of optician-manager for one of IRIS The Visual Group’s location.

It was in 2006 that her career took a turn to specialize in ophthalmic lenses with Nikon Optical Canada. During the next 15 years, she held positions within the marketing team. She becomes responsible for training and technical support. Over the years, she has addressed various optical technology topics to her peers during the conferences she gives for Canadian optical events. She is also in charge of product launches in Canada and the United States as well as their marketing. With nearly 20 years of experience, she returns to IRIS in 2020 to manage ophthalmic products as Senior Director.